The conference is organized by the University of Padova, Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno”
Local organizers:

Silvia Rita Sedita
Full Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova. Her research agenda includes issues within the field of management of creativity and innovation in inter-organizational networks. The theoretical focus is on agglomerations (clusters and industrial districts), project based organizations in creative industries and university-industry collaborations in high-tech industries. The main research settings are creative industries (design, music industry), high-tech industries (life science, advanced materials), Italian industrial districts and clusters. She published articles and book chapters in national and international outlets in the field of inter-organizational networks for innovation in clusters and industrial districts.

Amir Maghssudipour
Assistant Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Padova, specializing in the intersection of sustainability and innovation within firms and territorial systems like industrial districts and clusters. Recently, his research has delved into the realm of renewable energy communities, exploring their role in driving the sustainability transition. The theoretical foundation he draws upon involves concepts of local economic development, inter-firm relationships, and agglomeration theories. From the empirical point of view, his research often focused on the wine sector and the production systems of iconic Made in Italy goods, including Italian food, furniture, and fashion industries. The papers he worked on are mainly published in the fields of innovation, management, and regional economics.
Local co-organizers and supporters
Ambra Galeazzo, Andrea Furlan, Andrea Ganzaroli, Chiara Burlina, Eleonora Di Maria, Elisa Sabbadin, Fatima Zahra Fakir, Fiorenza Belussi, Giuseppe Danese, Karolina Crespi Gomes, Marco Bettiol, Marco Paiola, Roberto Antonietti, Roberto Ganau, Roberto Grandinetti.

José Luis Hervas-Oliver
PhD, Full Professor at Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain). Dr. Hervas-Oliver has been granted by several Spanish Ministries (Industry, Economics, etc.) in order to fulfill research on innovation. He has three Top Class (A+ honors) distinctions in the BSc, MSc and PhD. Dr. Hervas-Oliver is devoted to the study of firms in clusters: focusing on the intersection of firm-strategy and economic geography in SMEs. Main publications include those in Journal of Economic Geography, Research Policy, Technovation, Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Technology Transfer, Small Business Economics, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Research, European Planning Studies, Policy Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, etc., among many collaborations and works in contributed volumes (Routledge, Springer, Edward Elgar, etc.). At the present time, Dr. Hervas-Oliver leads a R&D Project on Industry 4.0 and clusters in Spain InnoRadical4.0 (RTI2018-095739-B-100).

Luciana Lazzeretti
Full Professor in Economics and Management and founding director of the Post-graduate course in Economics and Management of Cultural Goods and Museums, University of Florence. She is member of the comitee of the Phd Program in ‘Sustainable Development and Climate Change’, University Institute of Higher Studies of Pavia (IUSS). She was the coordinator of the Doctorate Program ‘Development Economics and Local Systems’ (DELoS) and the founder director of the ‘Doctoral School of Social Science’, University of Florence. Her current research interests deal with industrial districts, cultural clusters, cities of art, creative and cultural industries, innovation and creativity, and artificial intelligence. She recently edited ‘Clusters in Time of Uncertainty’ with Edward Elgar (2024), ‘Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Digital Transformation’ with Routledge (2023), ‘The Rise of Algorithmic Society and the Strategic Role of Arts and Culture’ with Edward Elgar (2023), ‘Rethinking Clusters. Towards a New Research Agenda for Cluster Research’ with Routledge (2021) and ‘Creative Industries and Entrepreneurship: Paradigms in Transition from a Global Perspective’ with Edward Elgar (2018).

Rafael Boix
PhD, Full Professor at the Department of Economic Structure, University of Valencia. His current research interests include creative industries, industrial districts and clusters, and networks of cities. He has participated in applied research for the OECD, the Barcelona City and Province, and the Spanish Ministry of Industry. He is the author of book chapters published in Springer, Edward Elgar, Routledge and IGI, and articles in specialized journals such as Land Use Policy, Papers in Regional Science, European Planning Studies, Regional Studies, The Annals of Regional Science, The Journal of Regional Research, Industry and Innovation, and European Urban and Regional Studies, among others.

Francesco Capone
PhD, Associate Professor in Management at the Dept. of Economics and Management, University of Florence. He is member of the Doctorate Programme ‘Developing Economics and Local Systems’ (DELoS), University of Florence. His recent research interests deal with innovation, creativity and inter-organisational collaborations in open contexts, such as industrial districts and clusters. He published several articles in national and international journals, among others: Industry and Innovation, Journal of Business Research, European Planning Studies, European Urban and Regional Studies, Annals of Regional Science, etc. He recently edited with Routledge (2021) ‘Rethinking Clusters. Towards a New Research Agenda for Cluster Research’.

Annalisa Caloffi
Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence. She held a PhD in Economics and management of firms and local systems at the University of Florence. Her research interests focus on industrial and innovation policy, clusters and districts and innovation networks. She is member of the Centre for Applied Economics, Industrial Policy, Local Development and Internationalization – c.MET05, and of the Centre for the Analysis of Public Policies – CAPP, of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.